Coaching vs. Consulting vs. Therapy

Coaching is a partnership where the coach and client work together to discover the goals and needs of the client. Coaching discussions include the likes, dislikes, strengths and weaknesses of the client in order to create a concrete plan of action that allows the client to create the life they desire.

The coach’s job is to assist the client in overcoming challenges and to empower them to live a richer, happier and fuller life. The coach motivates and cheers the client on to the next level. This is what coaching is all about!

Consulting provides intermittent solutions to a particular problem. A consultant often tells you exactly what to do systematically whereas a coach guides you to finding your own answers and offers suggestions and tips when appropriate. A coach works with you from planning your goals to achieving them.

Therapy brings understanding and awareness of the past. It is also used as a tool to treat and diagnose conditions by therapists that are trained in medical and behavioral sciences. Therapists are obligated to keep their personal feelings and thoughts detached. Whereas therapy focuses on the past and the present, coaching focuses on the present and the future and provides support every step of the way.

A supportive friend will be there to lend a shoulder to cry on and to listen to when your need to talk.  However, it is difficult for a good friend to hold the objectivity and distance that a coach does which allows the coach to offer a different perspective because of the emotional distance of the professional relationship.

Getting Unstuck Session